t of the inner block's own inner blocks. This is a recursive definition following the parent innerBlocks schema." ),
'type' => 'array',
$example_definition = array(
'description' => __( 'Block example.' ),
'type' => array( 'object', 'null' ),
'default' => null,
'properties' => array(
'attributes' => array(
'description' => __( 'The attributes used in the example.' ),
'type' => 'object',
'innerBlocks' => $inner_blocks_definition,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
$keywords_definition = array(
'description' => __( 'Block keywords.' ),
'type' => 'array',
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'default' => array(),
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
$icon_definition = array(
'description' => __( 'Icon of block type.' ),
'type' => array( 'string', 'null' ),
'default' => null,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
$category_definition = array(
'description' => __( 'Block category.' ),
'type' => array( 'string', 'null' ),
'default' => null,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
$this->schema = array(
'$schema' => 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
'title' => 'block-type',
'type' => 'object',
'properties' => array(
'api_version' => array(
'description' => __( 'Version of block API.' ),
'type' => 'integer',
'default' => 1,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'title' => array(
'description' => __( 'Title of block type.' ),
'type' => 'string',
'default' => '',
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'name' => array(
'description' => __( 'Unique name identifying the block type.' ),
'type' => 'string',
'pattern' => self::NAME_PATTERN,
'required' => true,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'description' => array(
'description' => __( 'Description of block type.' ),
'type' => 'string',
'default' => '',
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'icon' => $icon_definition,
'attributes' => array(
'description' => __( 'Block attributes.' ),
'type' => array( 'object', 'null' ),
'properties' => array(),
'default' => null,
'additionalProperties' => array(
'type' => 'object',
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'provides_context' => array(
'description' => __( 'Context provided by blocks of this type.' ),
'type' => 'object',
'properties' => array(),
'additionalProperties' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'default' => array(),
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'uses_context' => array(
'description' => __( 'Context values inherited by blocks of this type.' ),
'type' => 'array',
'default' => array(),
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'selectors' => array(
'description' => __( 'Custom CSS selectors.' ),
'type' => 'object',
'default' => array(),
'properties' => array(),
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'supports' => array(
'description' => __( 'Block supports.' ),
'type' => 'object',
'default' => array(),
'properties' => array(),
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'category' => $category_definition,
'is_dynamic' => array(
'description' => __( 'Is the block dynamically rendered.' ),
'type' => 'boolean',
'default' => false,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'editor_script_handles' => array(
'description' => __( 'Editor script handles.' ),
'type' => array( 'array' ),
'default' => array(),
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'script_handles' => array(
'description' => __( 'Public facing and editor script handles.' ),
'type' => array( 'array' ),
'default' => array(),
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'view_script_handles' => array(
'description' => __( 'Public facing script handles.' ),
'type' => array( 'array' ),
'default' => array(),
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'view_script_module_ids' => array(
'description' => __( 'Public facing script module IDs.' ),
'type' => array( 'array' ),
'default' => array(),
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'editor_style_handles' => array(
'description' => __( 'Editor style handles.' ),
'type' => array( 'array' ),
'default' => array(),
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'style_handles' => array(
'description' => __( 'Public facing and editor style handles.' ),
'type' => array( 'array' ),
'default' => array(),
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'view_style_handles' => array(
'description' => __( 'Public facing style handles.' ),
'type' => array( 'array' ),
'default' => array(),
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'styles' => array(
'description' => __( 'Block style variations.' ),
'type' => 'array',
'items' => array(
'type' => 'object',
'properties' => array(
'name' => array(
'description' => __( 'Unique name identifying the style.' ),
'type' => 'string',
'required' => true,
'label' => array(
'description' => __( 'The human-readable label for the style.' ),
'type' => 'string',
'inline_style' => array(
'description' => __( 'Inline CSS code that registers the CSS class required for the style.' ),
'type' => 'string',
'style_handle' => array(
'description' => __( 'Contains the handle that defines the block style.' ),
'type' => 'string',
'default' => array(),
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'variations' => array(
'description' => __( 'Block variations.' ),
'type' => 'array',
'items' => array(
'type' => 'object',
'properties' => array(
'name' => array(
'description' => __( 'The unique and machine-readable name.' ),
'type' => 'string',
'required' => true,
'title' => array(
'description' => __( 'A human-readable variation title.' ),
'type' => 'string',
'required' => true,
'description' => array(
'description' => __( 'A detailed variation description.' ),
'type' => 'string',
'required' => false,
'category' => $category_definition,
'icon' => $icon_definition,
'isDefault' => array(
'description' => __( 'Indicates whether the current variation is the default one.' ),
'type' => 'boolean',
'required' => false,
'default' => false,
'attributes' => array(
'description' => __( 'The initial values for attributes.' ),
'type' => 'object',
'innerBlocks' => $inner_blocks_definition,
'example' => $example_definition,
'scope' => array(
'description' => __( 'The list of scopes where the variation is applicable. When not provided, it assumes all available scopes.' ),
'type' => array( 'array', 'null' ),
'default' => null,
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'enum' => array( 'block', 'inserter', 'transform' ),
'readonly' => true,
'keywords' => $keywords_definition,
'readonly' => true,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'default' => null,
'textdomain' => array(
'description' => __( 'Public text domain.' ),
'type' => array( 'string', 'null' ),
'default' => null,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'parent' => array(
'description' => __( 'Parent blocks.' ),
'type' => array( 'array', 'null' ),
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'pattern' => self::NAME_PATTERN,
'default' => null,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'ancestor' => array(
'description' => __( 'Ancestor blocks.' ),
'type' => array( 'array', 'null' ),
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'pattern' => self::NAME_PATTERN,
'default' => null,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'allowed_blocks' => array(
'description' => __( 'Allowed child block types.' ),
'type' => array( 'array', 'null' ),
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'pattern' => self::NAME_PATTERN,
'default' => null,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'keywords' => $keywords_definition,
'example' => $example_definition,
'block_hooks' => array(
'description' => __( 'This block is automatically inserted near any occurrence of the block types used as keys of this map, into a relative position given by the corresponding value.' ),
'type' => 'object',
'patternProperties' => array(
self::NAME_PATTERN => array(
'type' => 'string',
'enum' => array( 'before', 'after', 'first_child', 'last_child' ),
'default' => array(),
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
// Properties deprecated in WordPress 6.1, but left in the schema for backwards compatibility.
$deprecated_properties = array(
'editor_script' => array(
'description' => __( 'Editor script handle. DEPRECATED: Use `editor_script_handles` instead.' ),
'type' => array( 'string', 'null' ),
'default' => null,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'script' => array(
'description' => __( 'Public facing and editor script handle. DEPRECATED: Use `script_handles` instead.' ),
'type' => array( 'string', 'null' ),
'default' => null,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'view_script' => array(
'description' => __( 'Public facing script handle. DEPRECATED: Use `view_script_handles` instead.' ),
'type' => array( 'string', 'null' ),
'default' => null,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'editor_style' => array(
'description' => __( 'Editor style handle. DEPRECATED: Use `editor_style_handles` instead.' ),
'type' => array( 'string', 'null' ),
'default' => null,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
'style' => array(
'description' => __( 'Public facing and editor style handle. DEPRECATED: Use `style_handles` instead.' ),
'type' => array( 'string', 'null' ),
'default' => null,
'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ),
'readonly' => true,
$this->schema['properties'] = array_merge( $this->schema['properties'], $deprecated_properties );
return $this->add_additional_fields_schema( $this->schema );
* Retrieves the query params for collections.
* @since 5.5.0
* @return array Collection parameters.
public function get_collection_params() {
return array(
'context' => $this->get_context_param( array( 'default' => 'view' ) ),
'namespace' => array(
'description' => __( 'Block namespace.' ),
'type' => 'string',
موقعیت خرید و موقعیت فروش چیست ؟ - اکوفاین | مدیریتی ، مالی ، اقتصادی
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